
Our Efforts

As a farm distillery, we prioritise sustainability by working closely with the land.

Traceable Ingredients

By growing our own barley and using a borehole into an aquifer below the farm for our water, we have full traceability over the ingredients used to make our single malt whisky, whilst also reducing food miles.

The by-product of growing barley is straw, which we bale after the crop has been combined. Our neighbouring farmers collect and use the straw to bed cattle through the winter.  Some of this straw comes back as farm yard manure, a natural fertiliser, which we then spread back onto the barley fields in January/February prior to ploughing. This adds organic matter to the soil and helps aerate it, whilst helping the worms feed which make the soil healthier overall.

Cover Crops

After our harvest is complete, we sow cover crops (mustard and radish) to improve soil structure and create a leaf canopy to help prevent soil erosion.  This cover crop is then grazed intensively with sheep for a month to six weeks before it is consolidated back into the soil as added organic material when we cultivate the ground.

Our By-Products

Our Pot Ale is taken away to a biogas plant, where bacteria consume it and release methane gas, which is used to generate electricity. 

Our Spent Lees are filtered through our on-site environmental treatment pond. They contain specialty reeds and plants that filter and break this by-product down until it is clean water that is discharged to the burn, mitigating over 2300 road miles per year.

Our Draff (the leftover barley husks from mashing) is collected by local farmers and used as cattle feed.

We also have 29 Kilowatts of solar panels installed, which we use on site or export to the grid.